
Research Projects

The Specificity of Korean Law in the East Asian Legal Order

The relationship between Chinese codes and Korean codes is a topic which everyone thinks that he or she knows something about but which remains largely ill-known and often misrepresented.  Our project aims specifically to address the issues of reception, adjustment, modification, and reinvention of codes in the East Asian context, both in traditional and contemporary periods.  We will investigate the viability of translating Korean codes into English. 

The Rule of Law in Korea: The Korean Legal System and the Constitutional Order

This project will focus on the modernization of Korean law and the legal system from the twentieth century.  We study the transformation of Korean courts and jurisprudence during the colonial period and in modern Korea.  As Korea has undergone rapid political evolutions since independence, the importance of constitutional jurisprudence and the role of courts in their efforts to establish the rule of law cannot be exaggerated.  This topic directly bears on the key aspects of modern Korean legal order in comparative perspective, which remains the focus of our project.

Teaching Programs

Regular teaching programs will take place in Lyon and Geneva alternatively.  We explore holding classes through video-conferencing so that students in Lyon can attend the classes taught from Geneva and vice versa.  We will further explore the possibilities of establishing permanent exchange programs for students and instructors between the two institutions.  In long-term, we will investigate opportunities to expand the courses through video conference, connecting several campuses in major European universities so that students in other European cities can take the courses we offer from Lyon and Geneva.  Through this initiative, we can build a truly collaborative international network of scholars in Korean studies.      

In the Spring of 2013, we offer the following course on Korea. 

Cours alter disciplinaires at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Course Title: Introduction to Korean History
Dates: January 21—April 15, 2013
Schedule [link]

Academic Exchanges: Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops


We offer regular collaborative seminars in Lyon and Geneva in which we invite and cohost scholars in Korean law and history, as well as disciplines broadly related to Korean society and culture. 

In the Fall of 2012, the following two seminars were offered at the Institut d’Asie Orientale:

November 22, 2012

Marie Kim (Professor, St. Cloud State University, U.S.A., and Associate Researcher at IAO)

“Customary Law in Korean and World History” [link]

December 13, 2012

Samuel Guex (Assistant Professor, Université de Genève, Switzerland)

“La Corée et le système tributaire chinois” [link]


An international conference, “The Spirit of Korean Law: The Identity and Evolution of Korean law and legal Culture in Comparative Perspective,” will be held on April 11 and 12, 2013 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in France.  This conference will examine the tradition, transition, and trajectories of Korean law in the context of the East Asian Legal Order.    


Last update on Wednesday 13 March 2013 (16:48) by  Marie S. Kim

© 2013 Institut d’Asie Orientale / St. Cloud State University - Project Directors: Jérôme Bourgon and Marie Kim.
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